Three tips to write a winning application

Writing, submitting and obtaining grants for your organization can be a challenging and stressful experience. Especially at the beginning, several topics need to be addressed: where to start, which narrative to use and how to convey the importance of a project or idea that you passionately believe in.

In this article, we give you three good tips to improve your application and increase the chance of a successful application. Ready?

1. Are you the right fit?

Make sure you understand the agency grant program and check your eligibility. Read the call for proposals carefully and make sure your idea and/or your project fit the selection criteria. Compromising to fit a fund is not advised, whereas looking for potential funders who value what you want to achieve should be your goal.

Good planning and a clear understanding of your project beforehand will increase the chance of finding a matching fund and writing a winning application.

2. Which story are you going to tell?

Once you have picked the fund, make sure you know which story to tell before you start writing the application. Funders want to know that the money they give to projects will make a change in people’s lives. They need to understand the impact of the technology you describe. Solid data of course helps – but having a story and being able to tell it in a captivating, engaging and simple way can make a difference.

In short, your application should clearly tell your story in a consistent and easy to follow way. On top of that, it should be measured and translated into a measurable project plan with measurable success criteria.

3. Ask someone else to read your work

Having a fresh pair of eyes read your work and suggest some changes is a must. Towards the end of your application writing, set aside 24-48h to give others the chance to read through the application and give you feedback. This process will hardly be useless.

1st Mile provides consulting services for successful grant application since 2007. So far, we have helped fund more than 200 million euros for our clients’ highly innovative projects, both in Denmark and in the EU.

Thinking of applying for funding? Reach out to 1st Mile and get started!