Funding for
Innovative energy technologies
Grant amount
No upper or lower limit; typical grants DKK 5-50 m
3 March 2025
About 3 months
The EUDP is perfect if you are in need of at least DKK 5 million for development and demonstration of an innovative energy technology in collaboration with partners, which each contribute to a high-performing partnership.
The first step when considering applying the EUDP for funding is an evaluation of the project idea and the innovation towards the program goals. 1st Mile delivers this screening free of charge based on a one-hour meeting where we listen to your presentation of your idea, ask questions, and give feedback that enables you to decide if EUDP is the right path for you, or if you should do something different.
If the project is considered the right fit for EUDP, we formulate an offer and project contract including project structure, price model, and responsibilities. After signing the contract, a kick-off meeting is scheduled to discuss the detailed project scope. Subsequently, information on the project is collated and analyzed, guiding the collaborative effort to write the application leading up to the submission date.
The net funding rate is high compared to most other programmes and the success rate is in general 25-30%. At 1st Mile we have a demonstrated success rate of approx. 75%, so three out of four proposals we submit get funded. Have a look at some of the successful applications we have written.
The programme supports a wide range of energy technologies, i.e. renewable energy technologies, energy efficiency technologies, conversion technologies such as fuel cells and hydrogen, integration of energy systems including storage, more efficient methods for recovery of oil and gas, and storage of CO2.
Through the EUDP, the Danish Energy Agency aims to reach Denmark’s goal of a 70% reduction in CO2 equivalents in 2030 and to support Denmark’s path towards becoming fossil fuel-free by 2050. Thus, the program’s focus is on energy-efficient projects that contribute to the Danish energy industry’s growth and employment.