The EUDP is perfect if you are in need of at least DKK 5 million for development and demonstration of an innovative energy technology in collaboration with partners, which each contribute to a high-performing partnership.

The first step when considering applying the EUDP for funding is an evaluation of the project idea and the innovation towards the program goals. 1st Mile delivers this screening free of charge based on a one-hour meeting where we listen to your presentation of your idea, ask questions, and give feedback that enables you to decide if EUDP is the right path for you, or if you should do something different.

If the project is considered the right fit for EUDP, we formulate an offer and project contract including project structure, price model, and responsibilities. After signing the contract, a kick-off meeting is scheduled to discuss the detailed project scope. Subsequently, information on the project is collated and analyzed, guiding the collaborative effort to write the application leading up to the submission date.

EUDP Application Process with 1st Mile

The net funding rate is high compared to most other programmes and the success rate is in general 25-30%. At 1st Mile we have a demonstrated success rate of approx. 75%, so three out of four proposals we submit get funded. Have a look at some of the successful applications we have written.

The programme supports a wide range of energy technologies, i.e. renewable energy technologies, energy efficiency technologies, conversion technologies such as fuel cells and hydrogen, integration of energy systems including storage, more efficient methods for recovery of oil and gas, and storage of CO2.

Through the EUDP, the Danish Energy Agency aims to reach Denmark’s goal of a 70% reduction in CO2 equivalents in 2030 and to support Denmark’s path towards becoming fossil fuel-free by 2050. Thus, the program’s focus is on energy-efficient projects that contribute to the Danish energy industry’s growth and employment.


Who can apply?

EUDP support/funding can be sought by private or public enterprises or knowledge institutions, including universities and Godkendte Teknologiske Serviceinstitutter (GTS – government-approved research and organization institutes) that are registered in Danish Central Business Register (CVR). This means that any type of project, from large-scale projects, to SMEs, to companies in collaboration with universities and  GTS institutes, are eligible to apply for funding.

How much funding can a project apply for?

There is no upper or lower limit for how much funding a project can apply for. Historically, most grants are between 5 and 15 million DKK, but lighthouse projects can be more than 100 million DKK in grant.

How much grant can a project apply for?

Support is given as a funding rate of actual expenses plus an overhead. The funding rate depends on the company size and the project type:

  • Public funding of research and development activities: 90%
  • Private companies: 25-60%; small companies in collaborative projects can get 60%, while large companies in projects without a true collaboration can get 25%.

What are the evaluation criteria?

  1. Purpose of the project: the purpose of the project and the state of the technology must be clearly described and include an innovative technological development that is feasible, can be replicated and can be scaled
  2. Project schedule, structure and feasibility: the content of the project must be clearly described and organized in work packages
  3. The green and commercial effects of the project: the commercial effects of the project as well as its relation to the EUDP objectives must be described both in a quantitative and qualitative way
  4. Dissemination: the application must provide a good and clear explanation of how the results of the project are intended to be communicated
  5. Organization: the participants and their respective parties must be reasonably accounted for their competencies
  6. Budget and financing: the project budget must be proportionate to the project’s goals and the expected results must be reasonably stated
  7. Incentive effect: the project must provide a clear explanation of how the EUDP funding will contribute to its successful implementation
  8. Market: a competitors overview and market potential for the developed technology must be clearly described (where, when, how big) as well as the marketing plan, the targeted audience and the added value the project will bring
  9. Research subject content: projects containing research and/or research training must contain a clear description of the research content according to the requirements described in the special research section

What is required in the application and how can I apply?

To be considered for a grant from the EUDP program, a number of documents and requirements must be fulfilled:

Required Documents (Annexes)

  • Annex 1: Application Form
  • Annex 2: Budget (Project Finances)
  • Annex 3: Gantt Chart
  • Annex 4: Business Model Canvas
  • Annex 5: CVs
  • Annex 6: Declarations
  • Other annexes (Optional)

To apply for a grant from the EUDP, you must submit the application containing all the previous Annexes through the application portal.

What happens if the project is granted funding?

  1. Publication: information on the winning projects will be published on the EUDP website, and on where all winning projects from EUDP, Innovationsfonden and ELFORSK can be found.
  2. The secretariat for the EUDP will then send a project agreement. Within a month, the document must be signed and submitted to the EUDP Secretariat.
  3. The EUDP can then provide the funding. Unless agreed otherwise, the budget version provided in the application will be used as a reference for the payments. throughout the process.
  4. If there is any need to make changes to the project during the project period, the secretariat must be informed through written notification, in order to decide whether the change can be approved by the EUDP. This applies to changes in terms of budget, financing, project participants, schedule, project description, key employees of the project manager and the project participants, etc.

Are winning projects required to provide reports?

Yes. On July 31 of each year, projects must submit an annual report to the EUDP Secretariat for the preceding period. Along the way, any issues that are particularly relevant to the specific project will be followed up. When the project ends, a final report must also be submitted to the EUDP Secretariat. The project manager/institution is responsible for providing reports on the project progress/finances to the EUDP.

Can a project be resubmitted in the next EUDP if it is unsuccessful?

Yes, projects can be resubmitted.

To read the full 2024 EUDP call (Danish only).